Karen Shashok

Contact details
+34 958 812305
Professional profile
Language pairs
Spanish > English
Areas of expertise
Medicine and Health
Natural Sciences
Social Sciences
Qualifications and experience

Skills: Spanish-to-English translator, author’s editor, language editor, technical editor and copyeditor for researchers, journals, publishers and institutions. Areas: Biomedical and pharmacological research, life sciences, biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology, psychology, sociology of science, bibliometrics and scientometrics. Materials: Research reports, conference presentations, posters, institutional outreach materials. Presentations and workshops in: Editorial role of science-technical-medical translators, Research manuscript writing and editing, choosing journals for publication, Research publication ethics, Publication challenges for non-native English science authors. Co-Coordinator, AuthorAID in the Eastern Mediterranean http://www.authoraidem.org . ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2506-1390 


Matarese V, Shashok K. Transparent attribution of contributions to research: aligning guidelines to real-life practices. MDPI Publications 2019; 7(2): 24 https://doi.org/10.3390/publications7020024

Shashok K, Matarese V. Post-publication peer review in biomedical journals: overcoming obstacles and disincentives to knowledge sharing. RT – A Journal on Research Policy & Evaluation 2018; 1, https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/roars/article/view/10125 . doi: https://doi.org/10.13130/2282-5398/10125. Preprint https://osf.io/preprints/lissa/8kxyz/

Matarese V, Shashok K. Improving the biomedical research literature; how insights from authors’ editors can help journal editors define and refine their core competencies. f1000Research 2018, https://f1000research.com/articles/7-109/v1 published 25 Jan 2018. Version 2 published 21 February 2018 https://f1000research.com/articles/7-109/v2.

Shashok K. Can researchers and their institutions become their own open access publishers? arXiv. Posted 10 Jan 2017 http://arxiv.org/abs/1701.02461

Shashok K. Authors’ editors in the 21st century: Promoters of publication quality and efficiency. European Science Editing 2014; 40(3): 60-62. http://www.ease.org.uk/resources/journal/archive/august-2014403 http://www.ease.org.uk/sites/default/files/essay_kshashok.pdf

Shashok K. Presubmittal peer review for high-impact research. Open Scholar CIC. http://www.openscholar.org.uk/presubmittal-peer-review-for-high-impact-research/ . Posted 7 July 2014

Shashok K. My life as an editor. European Science Editing 2014; 40(1): 21

Shashok K. 2013. Plagiarism. In Smart P, Maisonneuve H, Polderman A, editors. Science Editors’ Handbook. Redruth, UK: European Association of Science Editors. 2013, pp 166-170. http://www.ease.org.uk/publications/science-editors-handbook

Shashok K. 2013. Ethical contributions to research articles by medical writers. Anesthesia & Analgesia 116: 500-503. doi:10.1213/ANE.0b013e318274e29a

Shashok K. 2012. Plagiarism: Intention and diagnostic criteria. Letter. Saudi J Anesthesia 6(2): 188. http://www.saudija.org/article.asp?issn=1658-354X;year=2012;volume=6;issue=2;spage=188;epage=188;aulast=Shashok  

Shashok K. 2011. Evading responsibility to readers and third parties: how an international bioethics journal failed to correct the record of publication. Webeditorial-7. European Medical Writers Association website. http://www.emwa.org/EMWA/Resources/Webeditorials/Webeditorial_7.aspx

Shashok K. 2011. Authors, editors, and the signs, symptoms and causes of plagiarism. Review article. Saudi J Anesthesia 5(3): 303-307.  http://www.saudija.org/showBackIssue.asp?issn=1658-354X;year=2011;volume=5;issue=3;month=July-September

Shashok K. 2011. Good writing and good reporting to enhance the impact of articles and journals (Editorial). Middle East Journal of Cancer 1(4): 151-152.

Shashok K. 2010. Who’s a peer? Improving peer review by including additional sources of expertise. J Participat Med. Dec 8; 2:e15. http://www.jopm.org/opinion/commentary/2010/12/08/1278/

Shashok K, Handjani F. 2010. Enhancing the quality of research publication: AuthorAID in the Eastern Mediterranean. Journal of the Tehran University Heart Center, 5(4): 169-171. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3466853/  

Shashok K. 2010. The Acknowledgements dilemma: An opinion. The Write Stuff 19(3): 225

Shashok K. 2010. How AuthorAID in the Eastern Mediterranean helps researchers become authors. The Write Stuff 19(1):43-46

Shashok K. 2009. AuthorAID in the Eastern Mediterranean: A communication bridge between mainstream and emerging research communities. European Science Editing 35(3):106-108

Shashok K. 2008. Should clinical trial protocols be translated into the researchers’ local language? Ethics, science, and the language of research (Guest editorial). Panace@ 27:1-3

Shashok K. 2008. Content and communication—how can peer review provide helpful feedback about the writing? BMC Medical Research Methodology 8(3): DOI: 10.1186/1471-2288-8-3 (31 Jan 2008)

Shashok K. 2007. Good peer review practice explained. Hames I. Peer review and manuscript management in scientific journals. Guidelines for good practice. The Write Stuff 16(4):174

Shashok K. 2007. Standards on style and guidance on policy for medical journals. Iverson C, Christiansen S, Flanagin A et al., AMA manual of style, a guide for authors and editors, 10th edition. The Write Stuff 16(3):126-127

Shashok K. 2007. Can you trust what you read in medical journals? Smith R, The trouble with medical journals. The Write Stuff 16(2):88-88

Shashok K. 2007. A call to make patients effective partners in medial research. Evans I, Thornton H, Chalmers I, Testing treatments. Better research for better healthcare. The Write Stuff 16(2):87-88

Shashok K. 2007. Up-skilling for translators, editors and other communication professionals (with a nod to academic researchers and a wink to historians). Mediterranean Editors’ and Translators’ Meeting 2007. Building Bridges, Constructing Networks (METM07). Panace@ 26:261

Shashok K, Jacobs A. 2007. Who’s watching whose ethics? Slanted reporting of the medical writer’s role in the Neuropsychopharmacology-Cyberonics case. The Write Stuff 16(1):33-35

Shashok K. 2007. How might open access become sustainable? Learned Publishing 20:223-224 Shashok K. 2007. (Translator). Impact of the impact factor in Spain. Rapid Responses, 20 April 2007. BMJ http://www.bmj.com/cgi/eletters/334/7593/561

Shashok K. 2007. Successful communication in English for non-native users of the language. International conferences make Spain a world leader in writing, editing and translation research. Panace@ VIII(25):82-86

Shashok K. 2006. On the net...Drug testing, adverse reactions, and the TGN1412 disaster. The Write Stuff 15(2):63-66

Shashok K. 2006. Authorship, accountability and communication professionals. The Write Stuff 15(1):17

Shashok K. 2006. English language professionals on their mark in the Mediterranean. European Science Editing 32(1):15-16

Márquez Arroyo C, Munoa L, Navarro FA, Saladrigas MV, Shashok K. 2005. Panace@–a successful open access journal from the STM translation community. Learned Publishing (Oct) 18:258-269

Shashok K. 2005. Standards, quality and rights. FIT2005, International Federation of Translators. Panace@ VI(21-22):453-455

Shashok K. 2005. Standardization versus diversity: How can we push peer review research forward? Medscape General Medicine 7(1): Posted 02/17/2005 (www.medscape.com/viewarticle/498238)

Shashok K. 2004. A public health odyssey brought back to light. The story of the world’s first mass vaccination project. Panace@ V(16):179-180

Jefferson T, Shashok K, Wager L. 2003. Get peered! BMJ 327:1439-1441
Shashok K. 2003. Special issues of journals. The pitfalls of editorial mismanagement. BMJ 326:1262-1264

Shashok K, Kerans ME. 2001. Translating the unedited science manuscript: who fixes what shortcomings? In Chabás J, Cases M, Gaser R (eds). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Specialized Translation. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 101-104
Shashok K. 2001. Author’s editors: facilitators of science information transfer. Learned Publishing 14(2) (April):113-121. DOI: 10.1087/095315101300059495

Continuing professional development

Member European Association of Science Editors (EASE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), European Medical Writers Association (EMWA), Eastern Mediterranean Association of Medical Editors (EMAME), Grupo de Medicina y Traducción (MedTrad/Tremédica), Asociación Española de Traductores, Correctores e Intérpretes (ASETRAD), Asociación Española de Redactores de Textos Médicos (AERTeM)