About us

Mediterranean Editors and Translators (MET) is a volunteer-run association for editors, translators and other language professionals who have English as a primary working language.

We provide members with opportunities to exchange promising practices, subject knowledge and relevant research through English-language peer-led training and networking at our workshops, online events and annual conference. Read our mission statement, find out more about what we do or see our calendar for upcoming events.


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Subscribe to our mailing list for news about MET’s workshops and conferences.

Looking for a language professional?
Consult our guide or search our member directory.

Annual conference

Our flagship event is our annual meeting, or METM (pronounced /ˈmetəm/). METMs offer high-quality, peer-reviewed content in English across two and a half days packed with workshops, presentations, keynote talks and networking opportunities.

We gather in a Mediterranean city every September or October, and we encourage members and non-members alike to answer our call for proposals early in the year.

We'll be returning to Barcelona on 16-18 October 2025 for METM25, celebrating 20 years of MET meetings.


MET organizes a series of in-person and online workshops between February and September. Sessions typically last three hours and look at one area in depth or a combination of two complementary topics.

We cover all aspects of continuing professional development for language professionals working with English, including hands-on translation and editing techniques, field-specific content, grammar and software.

2025 CPD programme
Read about the start of our 2025 workshop season, including a day in Milan on 3 April, and check out last year's reviews.