Book inspired by discussions at METM-PRISEAL 2015


The second publication outcome of the METM-PRISEAL 2015 joint conference in Coimbra is now available for download as a free e-book from the University of Adelaide Press website. The paperback edition will be released in August.

Edited by members Margaret Cargill and Sally Burgess, Publishing Research in English as an Additional Language: Practices, Pathways and Potentials is a collection of chapters written by researchers and practitioners in the area of English for Research Publication Purposes and other related fields. It contains insights that can inform the work done by providers of language support in academic contexts.

Featured authors include past METM keynote speakers Laurence Anthony, Margaret Cargill and John Swales, and MET members Sally Burgess, Susan DiGiacomo, John Linnegar, Oliver Shaw and Sabrina Voss.

MET would like to congratulate all involved, especially the editors for their hard work in coordinating the book and for publishing their own research.