Emma Paulay
- BA (Hons) International Marketing and French - University of Greenwich - 1993
- MA Translation - distinction - University of the West of England - 2010
- Mind Mapping instructor - certified by l'école française de l'heuristique - 2018
- Getting Things Done instructor - certified by David Allen Company - 2020
- Mental Training instructor - Les Nouvelles Formations
- Volunteer running and nordic walking coach (Fédération Française de l'Athlétisme)
- International Coaching Federation qualified business coach (2024)
Born and raised in the UK, I met my French husband during my Erasmus year and have been in France ever since. After 15 years as an account manager in newspaper circulation, based in Paris, I set up my freelance translation business in 2007 when we moved our family to Le Mans.
Over the years, my translation specialisms have evolved with my interests. I work exclusively for direct clients and prefer assignments with plenty of freedom for creativity.
In 2015, I gathered together a small team of translators to cover the needs of a key client, organiser of major motorsports events. We are their go-to team for communication in English.
In coming years, I shall be exploring the avenues of literary translation.
As soon as I started freelancing, I started looking out for ways to improve my workflow and channel my energy. I found a tool — mind mapping — and a method — Getting Things Done — and both became part of my day-to-day life. Years later, when I hit that time in life when you feel you can start sharing what you've learned, I trained as a trainer in both. I enjoy passing on approaches and methods that I have tried and tested.
Coaching seemed the logical next step from being a corporate trainer. As a coach, I use powerful questioning to help my clients unlock their agency and reach their goals.
I occasionally translate for online journal Philonomist (philosophy applied to today's workplace).
- Incorporating gender-inclusive language into our work
- LinkedIn Leaders Playbook and Q&A
- Tagging along: dangling participles, adverbial disjuncts and other hangers-on
- Grammar pathway minisession, Parallelism to enhance flow at all levels of text
I attend several workshops or short courses each year. In 2024, I trained as a coach and have learned about related concepts such as neurolinguistic programming, transactional analysis and systems analysis.
I am a member of a nonviolent communication practice group.