Is bigger really better?
Sara Freitas (France)
If you are like many freelance professionals, you have often wondered what it would be like to start a "real" business. Worn out from going it alone, I was confident that bringing in new business partners would put an end to the freelance ratrace of working vacations, dealing with constant interruptions, chasing down payments, and generally keeping too many balls in the air at once. But is bigger really better? If you are thinking of taking on business partners or hiring an employee, there are a few things your lawyer and accountant will probably forget to tell you. This talk will give you the lowdown from an entrepreneur who has been there and done that, for better and for worse.
Sara Freitas was born and raised in the US, where she completed her undergraduate and graduate education in French and linguistics. She has served a number of schools, training organizations, and businesses in the United States, Turkey, and Grenoble, France, where she has lived since 2001. Sara founded SFM Traduction in 2003 and today provides businesses in France with French-to-English translation services, English copywriting services, and training in written communication skills in English. She works in the fields of marketing and communication, finance, and human resources and is author of the popular entrepreneurship blog Les Recettes du traducteur. She is a member of the Société Française des Traducteurs and the American Translators Association.