Publications related to MET meetings
MET channels publications to appropriate journals, e-journals and magazines. Publications leading to or arising from MET presentations are listed on this page. Unpublished presentations, posters and other materials from past MET meetings may be downloaded from the members’ area.
We provide links to open-access or self-archived texts or to abstracts whenever they are available. Where required, permission for posting has been obtained from the copyright holders.
METM21 Online, 14-15 October 2021 | |||
Speaker/Author | Presentation/Abstract | Publication | |
Hayley Smith | Report on the conference | Smith H, Putting on the style, ITI Bulletin January-February 2022; 28–29. |
METM16, Tarragona, Spain, 13-15 October 2016 | |||
Speaker/Author | Presentation/Abstract | Publication | |
Laura Bennett, Beaconsfield, UK | Report on the conference | Bennett, L. Pedants' corner. ITI Bulletin, January-February 2017; 29. | |
SENSE members | Report on the conference | Impressions of METM16. eSense 43, October-December 2016; 12. |
METM15, Coimbra, Portugal, 29-31 October 2015 | |||
Speaker/Author | Presentation/Abstract | Publication | |
Editors: Margaret Cargill and Sally Burgess | Book inspired by discussions at METM-PRISEAL 2015 | Publishing Research in English as an Additional Language: Practices, Pathways and Potentials. DOI: |
Oliver Lawrence | Report on the conference | Lawrence O. METM15: Networking over Natas. "Incisive: Texts with Zest". Blog by Oliver Lawrence. |
METM14, El Escorial, Spain, 30 October - 1 November 2014 | |||
Speaker/Author | Presentation/Abstract | Publication | |
Francesca Matteoda, Madrid, Spain | Report on the conference | Matteoda F. An all-round success. ITI Bulletin, January-February 2015; 34-35. |
METM12, Venice, Italy, 8-10 November 2012 | |||
Speaker/Author | Presentation/Abstract | Publication | |
Kersti Wagstaff, Alton, UK | Report on the conference | Wagstaff, K. METM12: Eighth Annual Mediterranean Editors and Translators’ Meeting. European Science Editing, February 2013; 39(1):14. | |
Arabella Festa, Rome, Italy | METM12 was the focus of the November issue of BMV Watch, a newsletter associated with an online medical library in Italian and German. | Biblioteca Medica Virtuale Newsletter Italian German |
Laura Bennett, Beaconsfield, UK | Report on the conference | Bennett, L. A Venetian adventure. ITI Bulletin, January-February 2013; 32-33. | |
Ailish M J Maher, Barcelona, Spain | Study of style guide criteria for quotations: attribution, scientific integrity and copyright | Maher AMJ. Quotations in translation: A case study. Translation & Interpreting; 5(2). |
METM11, Barcelona, Spain, 20-22 October 2011 | |||
Speaker/Author | Presentation/Abstract | Publication | |
Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza, Vizcaya, Spain | Report on the conference | Hurtado de Mendoza I. Something for Everyone. ITI Bulletin, January-February 2012; 34-35. |
METM10, Tarrragona, Spain, 28-30 October 2010 | |||
Speaker/Author | Presentation/Abstract | Publication | |
Marije de Jager, Rovereto, Italy | A copy editor's practical advice on how to write original articles, inspired by the METM10 workshop on plagiarism by M de Jager and D Čakalo | de Jager M. Striking a blow for originality. A note from the copy editor. Tumori, March 2012; 89(1). | |
Sarah Griffin-Mason, Portsmouth, UK | Report on the conference | Griffin-Mason S. METM10 – a jamboree for editors and translators. European Science Editing, February 2011; 37(1):10-11. | |
Anne Marie Bohan, Dublin, Ireland | Report on the conference | Bohan AM. Conference report: METM 2010. ITIA Bulletin, December 2010; 4-5. | |
Marga Burke, Newcastle, UK | Report on the conference | Burke M. Sharing ideas in Tarragona. ITI Bulletin, January-February 2011; 36-37. | |
Françoise Salager-Meyer, Mérida, Venezuela; María Angeles Alcaraz Ariza, Alicante, Spain; Maryelis Pabón Berbesí, Mérida, Venezuela | The article analyses the acknowledgment paratext of medical research articles written in English and Spanish in three geographical contexts: Venezuela, Spain, and the US. | Salager-Meyer F, Alcaraz Ariza MA, Pabón Berbesí M. Backstage solidarity in Spanish- and English-written medical research papers: publication context and the acknowledgment paratext. Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology. February 2009; 60(2):307-317. doi: 10.1002/asi.v60:2. |
METM09, Barcelona, Spain, 30-31 October 2009 | |||
Speaker/Author | Presentation/Abstract | Publication | |
Editor: Valerie Matarese | Book inspired by a panel discussion at METM09 | Supporting Research Writing: Roles and challenges in multilingual settings. |
Mary Ellen Kerans, Barcelona, Spain and Marije de Jager, Rovereto, Italy | This essay describes the most common types of plagiarism in science publications and shows how manuscript editors can educate authors to steer clear of the practice of copy-and-paste writing. | Kerans ME, de Jager M. Handling plagiarism at the manuscript editor's desk. European Science Editing, August 2010; 36(3):62-66. | |
Kim Eddy, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canaries, Spain | Report on the conference | Eddy K. The right balance. The Linguist, February/March 2010; 49: 25-26. | |
Sarah Griffin-Mason, Portsmouth, UK | Report on the conference | Griffin-Mason S. Meeting up with MET. ITI Bulletin, March-April 2010; 32-33. | |
Marije de Jager, Rovereto, Italy | Report on the conference | De Jager M. METM09: Translation, editing, writing: broadening the scope and setting limits. European Science Editing, Feb 2010; 36:15-16. | |
Iain Patten, Valencia, Spain | Report on the conference | Patten I. Mediterranean Editors and Translators Meeting (METM) 2009: Broadening the Scope and Setting Limits. Science Editor, May-June 2010; 33(3):84-86. | |
Gabi Berghammer, Vienna, Austria | Report on the conference | Berghammer G. METM—An abbreviation translators should know. The Write Stuff 2010; 19(3):234. |
METM08, Split, Croatia, 11-13 September 2008 | |||
Speaker/Author | Presentation/Abstract | Publication | |
Sarah Griffin-Mason, Portsmouth, UK | Report on the conference | Griffin-Mason S. Conferences to Up Your Game. ITI Bulletin, Nov-Dec 2008; 22-23. | |
Marije de Jager, Rovereto, Italy | Report on the conference | De Jager M. Communication support across the disciplines. METM 2008. European Science Editing, Feb 2009; 35:15. | |
Karen Shashok, Granada, Spain | Report on the conference | Shashok K. Reunión METM08 sobre apoyo a la comunicación en diversas disciplinas. puntoycoma 2008; 109 (agosto/septiembre/octubre):11-13. Shashok K, (Vázquez L, tr). METM08: Conference addresses communication support across the disciplines. Science Editor, May-June 2009; 32:83-84. | |
John Swales, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA | Abstracts and the writing of abstracts | Swales JM, Feak CB. Abstracts and the Writing of Abstracts; Ann Arbor, Michigan,USA:University of Michigan Press; 2009. |
METM07, Madrid, Spain, 25-26 October 2007 | |||
Speaker/Author | Presentation/Abstract | Publication | |
Marije de Jager, Rovereto, Italy | Report on the conference | De Jager M. Building bridges, constructing networks: METM 2007. European Science Editing, February 2008; 34:17-18. | |
Greg Morley, Madrid, Spain | Report on the conference | Morley G. Mediterranean Editors and Translators Meeting (METM): Exploring cultural differences. Science Editor, May-June 2008; 31:85-86. | |
Kim Eddy, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canaries, Spain | This report on the post-conference excursion to Toledo also describes research into the Arabic window inscriptions in the San Román church. | Eddy K. A Polyglot Culture. ITI Bulletin, Nov-Dec 2008; 16-18. | |
Mary Ellen Kerans, Barcelona, Spain and Karen Shashok, Granada, Spain | Accountability: editor, guest editor, reviewer, scientific association, publisher. The Human Immunology/ Arnaiz-Villena retraction, 2001-2003 | Kerans, ME. Close to Home: Notes on the Post-Publication Withdrawal of a Spanish Research Paper, Ibérica, no. 4, 2008; 39-54. | |
Valerie Matarese, Vidor, Italy;C. Zulian | Does editorial leadership (seen in the instructions to authors) determine biomedical journal quality? A case-control study between Italy and the UK | Matarese V. Relationship between Quality and Editorial Leadership of Biomedical Research Journals: A Comparative Study of Italian and UK Journals. PLoS ONE; 3(7): e2512. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002512 | |
Ailish Maher, Berga, Spain Stephen Waller, Barcelona, Spain Mary Ellen Kerans, Barcelona, Spain |
Corpus-guided editing and translation of specialist texts. | Maher A, Waller S, Kerans ME. Acquiring or enhancing a translation specialism: the monolingual corpus-guided approach. Journal of Specialized Translation. 2008; 10 (July):56-75. | |
Karen Shashok, Granada, Spain | Accountability: editor, guest editor, reviewer, scientific association, publisher. The Human Immunology/ Arnaiz-Villena retraction, 2001-2003 | Shashok, K. Pitfalls of Editorial Miscommunication. BMJ.2003; 326:1262-1264 |
METM06, Barcelona, Spain, 27-28 October 2006 | |||
Speaker/Author | Presentation/Abstract | Publication | |
Joy Burrough-Boenisch, Reading, UK Sally Burgess, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain |
Report on the conference | Joy Burrough-Boenisch and Sally Burgess. Mediterranean Editors and Translators holds second meeting. Science Editor, May-June 2007; 30:83-84. | |
Karen Shashok, Granada, Spain | Reports on the conference | Shashok K. Closing the gap between practice and theory: METM 2006. European Science Editing, February 2007; 3:6-7. Successful communication in English for non-native speakers of the language. Panace@, Primer semestre 2007; 8:82-85. |
Miguel Roig, New York, New York, USA | Plagiarism in the sciences: What do we really know? | Roig, M. Some Reflections on Plagiarism: the Problem of Paraphrasing in the Sciences, European Science Editing 2007; 33(2):39-42 | |
Christine Parkhurst, Boston, Massachusetts, USA | Parkhurst C. Computerized plagiarism detection as a teaching tool: helping novice NNS health science writers avoid plagiarism | Parkhurst C, Moore E. Nipping Plagiarism in the Bud: Using Turnitin to Teach Paraphrasing at MCPHS. The Write Stuff 2006; 15 (4):125-128 |
METM05, Barcelona, Spain, 4-5 November 2005 | |||
Speaker/Author | Presentation/Abstract | Publication | |
Alan Lounds, Barcelona, Spain | Report on the conference | Mediterranean Editors and Translators hold first meeting. IEEE Professional Communication Society Newsletter, January 2006; 50:12-13. | |
Mary Ellen Kerans, Barcelona, Spain | Report on the conference | Mediterranean Editors and Translators launch regional association at METM 05. Science Editor, May-June 2006; 29:87-88. | |
Karen Shashok, Granada, Spain | Report on the conference | Professional development for practitioners and researchers in specialized communication in English. METM 2005. Panace@, June 2006; 7:191-193 | |
Valerie Matarese, Pieve di Soligo, TV, Italy | Improving biomedical research communication through an introductory course on journals and critical reading | Valerie Matarese. Introductory Course on Getting to Know Journals and on “Browsing” a Research Paper: First Steps to Proficiency in Scientific Communication. Croatian Medical Journal 2006; 47:767-75 | |
Mary Ellen Kerans, Barcelona, Spain | Cover-to-cover bilingual publication of scientific journals: new challenges for translators and editors | Kerans, ME. Project Management and Quality Assurance in Cover-to-Cover Translation of a Medical Journal. In: Hayhoe, G. Proceedings, 2005 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference, Limerick, Ireland, 10-13 July 2005. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE; 2005; 220-236. | |
Aleksandra Mišak, Zagreb, Croatia | Four layers of manuscript editing at the Croatian Medical Journal: practical examples | Mišak A, Marušic M, Marušic A. Manuscript editing as a way of teaching academic writing: experience from a small scientific journal. Journal of Second Language Writing 2005; 14(2):122-131. | |
Ana Marušic, Zagreb, Croatia | A mentoring or educational role for national medical journals published in English | Marušic A, Marušic M. Small medical journals and the 10/90 problem: educatione ad exellentiam. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2004; 170(6):927-928. Marušic M, Mišak A, Kljakovic-Gaspic M, Fister K, Darko H, Marušic A. Producing a scientific journal in a small scientific community: an author-helpful policy. International Microbiology 2004; 7(2):143-147. Marušic M, Marušic A. Good Editorial Practice: Editors as Educators. Croatian Medical Journal 2001; 42(2):113-120. |
Karen Shashok, Granada, Spain | When translators edit — issues in potentially conflicting roles | Shashok K, Kerans ME. Translating the unedited science manuscript: Who fixes what shortcomings? In: Chabás JC, Madeleine; Gaser, Rolf, editors. Proceedings: First International Conference on Specialized Translation. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra; 2000; 101-104. | |
Joy Burrough-Boenisch, Reading, UK | The sense of editors' associations: a case report on SENSE, an editors' group in the Netherlands | Burrough-Boenisch, J. Negotiable Acceptability: Reflections on the Interactions between Language Professionals in Europe and NNS Scientists Wishing to Publish in English. Current Issues in Language Planning; 2006; 7(1):31-43 |