METM09 presentation Thread: Knowledge updates
Ergonomics: the key to pain free computing
Carolyn Newey — Spain
Computer-related health disorders are the fastest growing category of occupational hazards and they have reached epidemic proportions in recent years. Editors and translators are at risk to develop these injuries as we spend long hours at the computer, do tasks that require high levels of concentration and often work under pressure and stress. We typically do not pay attention to the signs and symptoms of these disorders when they first appear and they likely become chronic and disabling. However, computer vision syndrome, back problems and repetitive strain injuries can all be prevented with correct workstation setup, good posture and an understanding of the need for frequent breaks and exercise.
In this talk we will look at some of the most reliable advice we can glean from recent ergonomics guidelines and recommendations for injury prevention.
Carolyn Newey is an in-house author's editor at Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, a teaching hospital in Barcelona. She became interested in computer-related injuries several years ago and will share what she's found after spending many hours reading about this topic in consultation with health professionals to find out more.