METM10 panel     Thread: Promising practices

Practical ideas for getting the most out of your working environment

Anne Murray, Ann King and Kim Eddy – Girona, Barcelona and Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

Background: Freelancing has many advantages but it takes considerable effort and time to keep pace with the times and we are often too occupied with other matters to analyze how we could improve the way in which we interact with our working environment. It is difficult to shake old habits and it is only when we come out of the comfort of our offices that we say "Gosh, is that what everyone else is doing?- As summarized on MET's website, the main aims of the association are -œto help one another improve as professionals through the exchange of ideas and practices and so improve the service we provide to our clients and to increase job satisfaction.- In line with this philosophy, we have invited a group of professionals to share some tried and true practices and ideas that can be easily adapted to our everyday working environment.

Purpose: To present practical, easy-to-implement ideas that will make a difference to the practical aspects of your work and exchange ideas on how to do things better.

Session content: We will present take-home ideas designed to make your working life easier, help to improve productivity, and ultimately enhance job satisfaction. The session will be divided into three sections, which will look at software, office set-up, and tips and tricks. We will look at the advantages and disadvantages of each and tell you how to start using them, and what they cost, if anything. Input from participants will be encouraged. The session will focus on ideas that have not already been presented at MET meetings.


Anne Murray is a freelance translator and author's editor based in Girona, Spain. She has been a member of MET since it was founded in 2005 and is a firm believer in MET's underlying philosophy of sharing knowledge among peers.

Ann King is a freelance translator with a background in computer training who lives and works in a virtual space somewhere between Dublin and Barcelona.

Kim Eddy is a freelance translator, language coach and educational writer based in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain.