Terminology tools and resources for languages professionals -What’s in your toolbox?
Joanna Gough (UK)
Translation, like editing, is a multi-faceted activity that involves, amongst other processes, the simultaneous use of internal and external resources, i.e. the linguistic and world knowledge translators already possess and the resources they access externally to find new information.
Process-oriented translation research has recently been focusing on the internal translation process, i.e. what is going on in the translators’ heads while they translate, but little attention has been given to how they access and utilise the external resources available to them.
Due to the fast development of technology and the increased availability of internet access, the number of on-line tools and resources available to translators is growing exponentially. However, little is known about the interaction between translators and these tools and resources. My research hopes to fill this gap and seeks to establish whether there are any distinctive patterns of behaviour (styles) with regard to the use of translation tools and resources.
This presentation will cover some of the preliminary findings from my research, mainly from the questionnaire based on 540 responses and from the pilot study, followed by a brief presentation of a few useful although underused tools and resources which could help language professionals with their terminology research.
Joanna Gough is a PhD student at the University of Surrey, UK. She holds an MA in English Philology and an MA in Translation. Over the course of her studies, she has developed an interest in translation technology and is currently researching the interaction between human translators and the tools and resources they use in their daily work.