How to create and implement a marketing plan that actually works for your business


While the theory behind an effective marketing strategy may seem straightforward, many freelance language professionals find themselves hampered by mindset issues when it comes to putting it into practice.

Dr Malini Devadas is a professional editor and mindset coach who works with academics. She also has a second business, Edit Boost, where she helps freelance editors become confident marketers.

In the first part of this two-hour online workshop, participants will perform hands-on exercises to identify what’s blocking them from marketing their business and gain clarity on their ideal clients and how to target them. In the second part, Malini will guide attendees as they use their insights to create a personalized marketing strategy that actually works, based on their personality and their business.

Visit the Workshop page to register and find out more.

Date: Wednesday 7 February, 2024
Time: 10:00-12:00 CET