MET workshops

MET’s current workshops are available on request for local workshop days or online CPD events. They are included on a rotating basis in the pre-conference programme of our annual meetings (METMs). To propose a new workshop, please see the call for proposals.
Knowledge workshops
Audiovisual translation: as skills-based introduction to an interdiscipline
Blood tests made easy: everything you always wanted to know but never dared ask
EMA templates and EU terminology
Human nutrition and climate change: a knowledge update for language professionals
Polymerase chain reaction: getting to grips with molecular techniques in biomedical writing
Practical stats 1: understanding and reporting descriptive and bivariate analyses
Practical stats 2: understanding and reporting regression analyses and multivariate ANOVA models
Quantitative research data with units in text: to correct or to query?
Statistics for editors and translators


Orientation to text types and specialties
Abstracts and introductions: genre analysis for editors and translators of research articles
The discussion section in academic research articles: patterns, practices and insights for editors and translators
A systematic approach to translating contracts into English
Cooking up the right words: hints, tips and tricks for successful food translation
Editing theses and dissertations written in English by non-native speakers
Editing humanities and social science texts: theory and practice
Getting started in medical translation
Getting started in legal translation
Terroir, tannins and tasting: translating the wines of France
Translation editing for the humanities - music and movements
Translating for the art world
Wine words – translating in the wine world


Text features and language issues
Approaches to effective paragraphing: the topic sentence revisited
Dealing with parentheses: commas, brackets and dashes
Editing non-native English
Grammar pathway: minisessions on style and grammar conundrums
Grammar pathway minisession: colons
Grammar pathway minisession: relative clauses
Grammar pathway minisession: subject–verb agreement
Grammar pathway minisession: tagging along
Grammar pathway minisession: active and passive voice
Grammar pathway minisession: singular "they"
Grammar pathway minisession: parsing the parts of our speech
Grammar pathway minisession: subjunctives
Grammar pathway minisession: the comma: to pause or to parse
Grammar pathway minisession: modal verbs
Grammar pathway minisession: phrasal verbs
Grammar pathway minisession: dominoes: ordering sentences in a reader-friendly way
Grammar pathway minisession: parallelism to enhance flow at all levels of text
Harnessing the power of the correspondence-consistency-correctness (CCC) model
Incorporating gender-inclusive language into our work
Negotiating the differences between light, medium and heavy editing
Readability: 10 strategies for improving flow in translated or non-English speakers’ texts
Righting citing: principles and strategies for editors and translators
Seeing bright light at the end of the tunnel: successful, efficient proofreading
Signposting the way: using punctuation to improve flow
Translation revision and beyond
Two aspects of information ordering that affect flow within sentences and beyond


Tools, skills and concepts to support productivity and client relations
Advanced Word skills for editors and translators
Beat the agencies at their own game: develop a watertight translation workflow process
Calm down, warm up, check your voice, say your piece – and have fun doing it!
Corpus building and mining with Sketch Engine
Corpus guidance: a tool for understanding professional language usage, change and variety
Discover mind mapping, a powerful tool to organize, make decisions, plan and explore
Excel for Wordies: accounting and workflow
Getting to grips with post-editing machine translation
Handling plagiarism
How human is your workflow? Critical AI use for language professionals
How to become your most efficient, creative and serene self
How to create and implement a marketing plan that actually works for your business
How to facilitate a writing retreat
Keyboard shortcuts for efficiency and comfort
LinkedIn Leaders Playbook and Q&A
memoQ: the secrets of a flexible CAT tool revealed
Perfecting it with PerfectIt: keeping your writing in check
SDL Trados Studio: beyond the basics
Solving terminology problems more quickly with IntelliWebSearch
Training researchers to write academic articles: another string to your bow
Translation theory for the pathologically practical
Website creation and cultural customization
Writing effective proposals for METMs and MET workshops: abstracts, peer review and the MET(M) audience