Our history
Mediterranean Editors and Translators (MET) was founded in 2006 to support language professionals in the Mediterranean. Starting as a meeting in Barcelona, it has grown into an international association offering workshops, conferences and resources for editors, translators and other language professionals. Below are the key milestones marking MET’s history.
A small group of professionals offering English-language support services decide to create a space where they can share knowledge and foster professional development.
The first Mediterranean Editors and Translators Meeting takes place later that year in Barcelona (METM05), organized entirely by volunteers and attended by 55 people.
The founding
The success of METM05 in promoting cross-fertilization between researchers and professionals inspires the 11 founding members to sign a charter, formalizing MET’s existence. MET starts to cultivate partnerships with sister associations after joining ReFAL, the Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation.
Workshops emphasizing practical skills grounded in theory are offered for the first time in the spring and at the second METM, attended by twice as many people as METM05.
Beyond Spain
MET expands its university collaborations: METM08 is hosted by the University of Split (Croatia). The METM choir is born.
Themed meal tables are organized for the first time to encourage attendee interaction. These soon become a staple on the off-METM fringe programme.
New branding, new country
MET’s logo gets a new look.
The first METM in Italy is held in Venice.
Web makeover and expansion
MET launches a new website with an online directory of members (now over 200).
Another new country
METM15 runs concurrently with the PRISEAL applied linguistics conference in Portugal.
Member benefits
The Hive, MET’s repository of tools, resources and reviews, goes live. Small grants are introduced for members doing research in line with MET’s objectives.
MET now has nine sister associations and also signs a Memorandum of Understanding with ITI.
MET goes online for the workshop season and for METM Revisited, which features highlights from past METMs. MET Conversations and the MET Book Club enhance the online offering.
Membership stabilizes around 500.
Full conference online
METM21 Online, attended by 250 people, features two full days of presentations plus online networking.
Hybrid CPD and sustainability
In-person METMs return alongside online training, giving all members the chance to take part in MET’s activities.
With sustainability firmly on the agenda, METM22 marks the first swag-free, paperless conference.
The first METM in France is held in Carcassonne.
MET welcomes its eighth institutional member.
Back to our roots
MET returns to Barcelona for METM25, celebrating…
Our thanks go to MET’s founding members for their vision and initiative. In alphabetical order, they are Alan Lounds, Ann King, Carolyn Newey, Catherine Mark, Greg Morley, Iain K. Patten, Irwin Temkin, Karen Shashok, Mary Ellen Kerans, Simon Bartlett and Susan DiGiacomo.