MET Conversations
Past conversations
“The breakout rooms are wonderful – it’s so stimulating to meet new people and share ideas.”“Thanks! I just joined MET, and this was a great introduction!”
“I really (REALLY!) enjoy the structure of these MET Conversations. They are an excellent way to meet colleagues and share wisdom.”
2024 conversations
- End-of-year bash, 17 December 2024
- Setting boundaries, 14 November 2024, led by Aída Ramos
- Volunteering, 17 September, led by Rebecca Porwit, Kathryn Smyth and Séverine Watson
- Is your business summer-ready?, 27 June, led by Séverine Watson
- Burnout, 16 May, led by Kathryn Smyth
- How to protect ourselves from rising inflation, 9 April, led by Silvia Ortiz Miñarro
- Working with European English(es), 20 March, led by Taylor McConnell
- Sustainability, 26 January, led by Jason Shilcock
2023 conversations
- Games night, 18 December
- Presenting at METM, 9 November, led by Sally Burgess and Siru Laine
- Rested, refreshed and raring to go, 13 September
- Bridging the generation gap, 29 June, led by Rebecca Porwit and Lucy Brooks
- Eat your grammar greens, 17 May, led by Alan Lounds
- Money matters where you live, 3 April
- Understanding AI chatbots, 14 March, led by Wendy Baldwin
- Tales of the (un)expected: the importance of plan B, 19 January, led by Alicja Tokarska and Jackie Senior
2022 conversations
- Conference survival guide, 30 November, led by Karin Rockstad and Ángeles Buzón
- The juggle: balancing our home and professional lives, 27 September
- Travel and digital nomadism in 2022, 29 June, led by Elizabeth Garrison
- Setting terms and conditions for clients, 16 May, led by Holly-Anne Whyte
- How much CPD is enough?, 28 April, led by Alina Cincan
- Work, life and money: finding the sweet spot, 21 March, led by Silvia Ortiz Miñarro
- Tips to improve writing skills, 16 February, led by Dick Edelstein
- Computer and internet security, 18 January
2021 conversations
- The art of querying, 17 November, led by Pamela Barnby
- Staying healthy, 13 September, with stretching session led by Francesca Matteoda
- Networking in your niche, 6 May
- Presenting skills: content and delivery, 12 April, led by Joy Burrough-Boenisch and Ruth Simpson
- Keeping your other language(s) alive, 16 March
- Am I a pedant?, 17 February
- Past, present and future: how you got started, where you are now and where you see yourself in the future, 12 January
2020 conversations
- Corpus shop talk, 23 November, led by Anne Murray
- Tech tips, 8 September
- Grammar clinic, 13 August
- Learning in lockdown, 22 July