Sea of Words stories
Authors retain copyright of the original language versions of their stories. We post English versions here.
Sea of Words 2010
Lack of funding prevented the organizers (the European Institute of the Mediterranean, coordinator of the Spanish network of the Anna Lindh Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures) from publishing the winning stories for this year. However, MET working groups produced finished English versions of the first- and second-prize winners in 2010:
“Milena Is a Sex Bomb” by Alfredo Zucchi, Italy, first prize
MET holds the copyright (2011) for this new translation of the author’s original on behalf of members of the working group: Kelly Dickeson, Mary Fons i Fleming, Paula James, Fiona Kelso, Mary Ellen Kerans, Ailish Maher, Barnaby Noone, Aisha Prigann, Irwin Temkin, Lucy Vázquez, Stephen Waller. The author collaborated in the translation process.
“Sunset” by Ayelet Gundar, Israel, second prize
A MET working group (Mary Fons i Fleming, Mary Ellen Kerans, Ailish Maher, Irwin Temkin, Stephen Waller) produced a light edit of translator Esther Hecht’s work, in close contact with the translator and the author.
Sea of Words 2011: ways of participation — democracy and citizenship
MET working groups edited two stories
“THC and LCD” by Ilija Ðjurović, Montenegro; pp. 54-56
A MET working group (Kelly Dickeson, Stuart Dyke, Mary Fons i Fleming, Mary Ellen Kerans, Paula James, Aisha Prigann, Irwin Temkin) produced a light edit of translator Aleksandra Bošković’s work. The editing group worked in close contact with the author and shared the results with the translator.
“Slip Road” by Vesna Hauschild, Slovenia; pp. 80-82
A MET working group (Kymm Coveney, Joe Graham, Barnaby Noone, Alfredo Zucchi) edited a translation provided by Igor Divjak. The working group was in contact with the author.