New council elected


A new MET council was elected on Saturday, 15 October at the general assembly held during METM22.

  • Chair: Emma Goldsmith
  • Vice-chair: Wendy Baldwin
  • Secretary: Jacqueline Lamb
  • Treasurer: Heather Hamilton
  • CPD: Mary Savage 
  • Membership: Hayley Smith
  • Promotion: Louise Normandière
  • Webmaster: Michael Farrell

Jacqueline, Hayley and Louise join five existing council members, and Mary and Wendy have moved into new roles.

With three new council members, we bid a fond farewell to Marije de Jager, Helen Oclee-Brown and Rob Lunn, who have served on council as volunteers for a combined 22 years. We extend our heartfelt appreciation for their dedication and innumerable contributions to MET, and we wish them well!

Newly elected council 2022-2024

Front row, L-R: Mary Savage, Heather Hamilton, Emma Goldsmith, Jacqueline Lamb. Back row, L-R: Hayley Smith, Louise Normandière, Wendy Baldwin, Michael Farrell. Photo credit: MET/Jone Karres.