Italian > English
Portuguese > English
Spanish > English
Native English (British) speaker.
Spanish and Italian to native standard.
Fluent in French and Brazilian Portuguese.
1st class BA (Hons) in modern languages (French & Italian), with distinction in spoken French, from the University of Westiminster (1996)
MA in technical and specialised translation (French, Italian, Portuguese into English), passed with Merit, from the University of Westiminster (1998)
Fully qualified member of the ITI (Institute of Translation and Interpreting) since 2007.
ITI Board member since May 2021.
Working languages: French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish into English.
Specialised in medical and pharmaceutical translations.
- Signposting the way: using punctuation to improve flow
- Anatomy, part 2: understanding the skin
- Seeing bright light at the end of the tunnel: successful, efficient proofreading
- Lifehacks for language professionals: financial planning and effective communication
- Quantitative research data with units in text: to correct or to query?
- Polymerase chain reaction: getting to grips with molecular techniques in biomedical writing
- Using wildcards in Microsoft Word search-and-replace routines: in search of speed and consistency
- Anatomy, part 3: the nervous system, an overview for English language specialists
- Singular ‘they’: honourable usage or a sign of grammatical incompetence?
- EMA templates
- Translating contracts
- Practical stats, part 1
- Practical stats, part 2
- Translation revision and beyond
- Advanced Word skills for editors and translators
- Signposting the way: using punctuation to improve flow
- Statistics for editors and translators
- Grammar pathway minisession: subject–verb agreement
Committed to CPD. I meet the ITI recommnendations of a minimum of 30 hours of CPD per year.