Karen Grimwade
Japanese > English
Social Sciences
MA in Professional Translation (with specialisation in literary translation), French<>English - Institut de Traducteurs, d'Interprètes et de Relations Internationales, Strasbourg, France
MA in Advanced Japanese Studies (with specialisation in translation) - School of East Asian Studies, Sheffield University, UK
Publication of translated or revised articles in a variety of academic journals and edited volumes (humanities and social sciences)
Regular publication of translated research articles (humanities and social sciences) in Cipango – French Journal of Japanese Studies
Histories of Children and Childhood in Meiji Japan by C. Galan and H. Salomon
Occupy Tokyo by Christian Galan and Anne Gonon
Sauvez votre peau, by Fabrice Midal (co-translated)
The Japanese and World War II, by Michael Lucken
Invisible Population: The Place of the Dead in East Asian Megacities, by N. Dubach
Regular translation of articles for an international environmental foundation
Regular translation of articles for bilingual lifestyle magazines
Yearly translation of the catalogue for the Festival international du film de La Rochelle (2008-2017)
- Editing humanities and social science texts: theory and practice
- Seeing bright light at the end of the tunnel: successful, efficient proofreading
- Lifehacks for language professionals: financial planning and effective communication
- Writing effective proposals for METMs and MET workshops: abstracts, peer review and the MET(M) audience
- How to create and implement a marketing plan that actually works for your business
- LinkedIn Leaders Playbook and Q&A
- Readability: 10 strategies for improving flow in translated or non-English speakers’ texts
- Editing non-native English
- Translation revision and beyond
- Training researchers to write academic articles: another string to your bow
- How human is your workflow? Critical AI use for language professionals
- Translation editing for the humanities – music and movements
- Tagging along: dangling participles, adverbial disjuncts and other hangers-on
- Grammar pathway minisession, Parallelism to enhance flow at all levels of text
Attendance at relevant conferences and wide, regular reading of academic texts in my subject areas (notably Japanese Studies).
"Translate in Cambridge" (3-day programme of workshops and presentations, August 2016, organised by ITI).
Have undertaken various CIEP courses in copy-editing and proofreading (2019, 2024).
Attended ITI conferences in 2019, 2022 and 2024.
PerfectIt workshop (2022) run by ITI.
"Rencontres de la Traduction et de l'Interprétation" (3-day programme of workshops, presentations and roundtable discussions organised by the Société Française des Traducteurs), August 2023.