Wendy Baldwin
Writing Retreats
Spanish > English
Social Sciences
Authors' editing and translation
I help scholars publish journal articles in fields relating to language, cognition and learning both within and across individuals and within and across societies and cultures. Within that, I work in:
- Linguistics and all its subfields, including psycholinguistics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, first and second language acquisition, cognitive and functional approaches to syntax and linguistic theory, and linguistic description
- Language and cognitive disorders and testing
- Cognitive psychology
- Cognitive science
- Second language instruction and learning; computer-mediated instruction
- Theories and scholarship of teaching and learning, teacher training, teacher identity
And because my education and experience ranges from the more qualitative and narrative end of the spectrum and to the more quantitative and experimental end, I sometimes work in the fields of:
- Anthropology
- Literature
- Peace, conflict and justice studies; international relations
- Industrial organization, management and behavior
Writing support services
I'm a trained structured writing reteat facilitator, meaning I create and hold a space that lets academics get their writing done and out the door. I also participate in and facilitate other types of social writing, including structured co-working sessions with editors and translators in MET's Humanities and Social Sciences Hub.
I also teach academic writing seminars to developing scholar-writers.
If you're interested in collaborating, drop me a line or visit my webpage.
- MA in Linguistics (PhD candidate/ABD), University at Buffalo (2001). Primary specialization in psycholinguistics; secondary specializations in discourse analysis, syntax and cognitive science. A PhD candidate, I worked in a psycholinguistics laboratory doing experimental work on human sentence processing.
- MA in Linguistics, California State University Long Beach (1994). Primary specialization in psycholinguistcs and discourse analysis; secondary specializations in cognitive psychology and child language acquisition.
- BA in Linguisitcs, University of California San Diego (1989). Major in Linguistics, minor in Spanish language and literature.
- Baldwin, W. (2023). "Meetings at the Textface: What Academics and Language Professionals Gain When They Team Up and Adopt a Social Writing Approach to Academic Text Production." In: Pais Zozimo, J., Sotejeff-Wilson, K., Baldwin, W. (eds) Women Writing Socially in Academia: Dispatches from Writing Rooms. Palgrave Studies in Gender and Education. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-44977-2_13.
- Zozimo, J.P., Sotejeff-Wilson, K., Baldwin, W. (2023). "Introduction: From Our Writing Rooms to Yours." In: Pais Zozimo, J., Sotejeff-Wilson, K., Baldwin, W. (eds) Women Writing Socially in Academia: Dispatches from Writing Rooms. Palgrave Studies in Gender and Education. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-44977-2_1.
- Pais Zozimo, J., Sotejeff-Wilson, K., Baldwin, W. (eds) Women Writing Socially in Academia: Dispatches from Writing Rooms. Palgrave Studies in Gender and Education. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-44977-2.
Presentations, panels and workshops
- "Academic translators as author allies – a path to a future in academic translation?" (2024). Workshop delivered for ITI Spanish Network. Online. 11 November.
- "A noble craft: authors’ editors and the ethics of collaborative sensemaking" (2024). Panelist, along with Kate Sotejeff-Wilson, Theresa Truax-Gischler and Luigi Rossi (moderator), at METM24, Carcassonne, France. 19 October.
- "Editors Café" (2024). Coordinator of fringe event at METM24. 17 October.
- "Against native-speakerism: authors’ editors as access allies" (2023). Oral presentation with co-presenters Theresa Truax-Gischler and Kate Sotejeff-Wilson at METM23, Mantua, Italy. 13 October.
- "Language inherited and inhabited: multilingualism, selves and worlds" (2022). Moderator of panel with Aleksandra Chlon, Kate Sotejeff-Wilson, Theresa Truax-Gischler and Linda Jayne Turner at METM22, Donostia-San Sebastián. 14 October.
- "Editors Café" (2021). Moderator of fringe event at METM21 (online). 14 October.
- "Intercultural business communication" (2021) Panelist along with Nandini Bedi and Kenneth Quek at SENSE 2021 Professional Development Days, 18 September.
- "Honing skills through near-peer exchange" (2020). Oral presentation at SENSE 2020 (online). 4 June.
- "Building a language professional–academic co-working partnership" (2019). Oral presentation at METM19, Split, Croatia. 28 September.
"Acknowledgments in the eyes of scholars using language services: perceptions of language professionals" (2018). Panelist along with Mar Fernández Núñez, Jackie Senior, Kate Sotejeff-Wilson and Valerie Matarese (moderator) at METM18, Tarragona, Spain. 5 October.
Service to MET
- Vice-chair (2022-2024)
- Promotion chair (2020-2022)
- Local organizer, METM22
- Hive editor (2017-2020)
- Corpus building and mining with Sketch Engine
- Advanced Word skills for editors and translators
- Website creation and cultural customization
- Seeing bright light at the end of the tunnel: successful, efficient proofreading
- Editing humanities and social science texts: theory and practice
- Spotlight on specialization: a three-part medley
- CAT tools: a look at the current landscape
- An introduction to OmegaT
- Training researchers to write academic articles: another string to your bow
- Lifehacks for language professionals: financial planning and effective communication
- Lifehacks for language professionals: ergonomics and managing stress
- Calm down, warm up, check your voice, say your piece – and have fun doing it!
- How human is your workflow? Critical AI use for language professionals
- Writing effective proposals for METMs and MET workshops: abstracts, peer review and the MET(M) audience
- How to create and implement a marketing plan that actually works for your business
- LinkedIn Leaders Playbook and Q&A
- Translation theory for the pathologically practical
- Dominoes: ordering sentences in a reader-friendly way
- Harnessing the power of the Correspondence-Consistency-Correctness (CCC) Model: a systematic new approach to error detection in manuscripts that promotes professional text improvement
- Editing theses and dissertations
- Translating for the art world
- Understanding our clients: anthropologists
- Abstracts and introductions: genre analysis for editors and translators of research articles
- The discussion section in academic research articles: patterns, practices and insights for editors and translators
- Two aspects of information ordering that affect flow within sentences and beyond
- Using reporting guidelines to help research articles meet journal requirements for reproducibility and completeness
- How to become your most efficient, creative and serene self
- Discover mind mapping, a powerful tool to organize, make decisions, plan and explore
- How to facilitate a writing retreat
- Conference: Trabalengua, 4ª edición (online). 24-25 October 2020.
- Conference: 'EnClaro. Primera semana del lenguaje claro (online). 21-25 September 2020.
- Masterclass: 'Metaphors to Write By'. Helen Sword (online). 16 July 2020.
- Workshop: 'Getting to grips with connectors in English texts'. John Linnegar/SENSE 2020 (online). 26 June 2020.
- Conference: SENSE 2020 (online). 3-5 June 2020.
- Workshop: 'An iPad (and tablet) workout for language professionals'. Alexander Drechsel/SENSE (online). 23 May 2020.
- Workshop: 'Macros for writers, editors and translators'. Paul Beverley/SENSE (online). 16 May 2020.
- Member of SENSE, Society of English-language professionals in the Netherlands. (2020-2023).
- Workshop: Refresher for Structured Writing Retreat Facilitators. Rowena Murray/Anchorage Education. Howwood, Scotland. 27-29 January 2020.
- Member of Asetrad (Asociación española de traductores, correctores e interpretes) (2016-2019).
- Conference: Trabalengua. Logroño and San Millán de al Cogolla. 9-10 November 2019.
- Certification: Structured Writing Retreat Facilitation Training. Rowena Murray/Anchorage Education. Gartmore, Scotland. 25-27 April 2018.
- Webinar: 'Tips and tricks for freelance translators to optimize their website'. Tess Whitty/SDL Webinars. 15 May 2017.
- Webinar: 'Future-proofing your translation business'. Tess Whitty/SDL Webinars. 19 April 2017.