LinkedIn Leaders Playbook and Q&A

Workshop review

For MET’s second workshop on marketing this season, self-confessed LinkedIn nerd John Espirian deftly took up the baton to share his top tips for building a strong, reliable and above all effective presence on the platform.

Drawing on his considerable store of knowledge, John delivered a high-powered session on what he considers the main ingredients for creating a successful personal brand. These included tactics for reaching the “base camp” of 500+ connections, advice on how to optimize our profiles, and tips for ways to convey personality and humanize our online presence (never more crucial than in today’s AI-dominated climate).

With the important business of profiles out the way, John tackled the nitty gritty of connecting, posting frequency and the best way to meaningfully engage with others. His recommendations? Comment rather than share, post once or twice per week and aim for an ideal post-to-comment ratio of 1:10. He also told us about upcoming changes to the platform and revealed some of its lesser-known features.

Then came the million-dollar question of what to post. John stressed the need to really home in on the one thing we want to be known for and always offer something of value in our posts. And if truly short on inspiration, we should look to our inboxes, with clients’ past questions revealing what they really want to know about.

Having barely drawn breath for 90 minutes, John swiftly moved on to the Q&A session. Let’s just say that, in addition to being relentlessly helpful®, John also proved to be inexhaustible (we tried, dear reader; we threw every question we had at him but the well still didn’t run dry).

All in all, this invaluable workshop had attendees raring to get back onto the platform and put John’s ideas to the test. Look out LinkedIn, here we come!

LinkedIn Leaders Playbook

Review by Karen Grimwade