Saturday, 27 October 2007
Real Jardín Botánico/CSIC, Plaza de Murillo 2, Madrid, Spain
08:15 – 09:15
Registration desk opens.
09:15 – 09:50
Opening remarks
Catherine Mark, vice-chair of MET and organizer, METM 07; Departamento de Inmunología y Oncología, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología/CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Mary Ellen Kerans, Chair, MET; author’s editor and translator, Barcelona, Spain
Joy Burrough-Boenisch, author’s editor, Unclogged English, Reading, UK
Spokesperson for our hosts: the Real Jardín Botánico/CSIC
10:00 – 11:15
Panel 1: CAT tools: what are the benefits to freelancers?
There are other benefits to be gained from CAT tools apart from recycling old translations and saving effort. and in a rapidly changing and highly competitive professional environment no translator can afford to ignore those other benefits [abstract]
Stephen Waller, coordinator; freelancer translator and editor, Barcelona, Spain
Timothy Barton, freelance translator, Barcelona, Spain
Iain Patten, PhD, freelance translator and editor, Valencia, Spain
Cindy Chadd, freelance translator, Madrid, Spain
John Rynne, Versalia Traducción, S.L., Aranjuez, Spain
11:20 –
Spotlight on posters
Brief presentation of main messages conveyed by posters. Speakers will be available at their posters during the coffee break immediately afterwards.
Four new posters are featured:
Adapting IMRaD from text to slides: Focus on objectives and summaries [abstract]
Simon Bartlett, author’s editor, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares in Madrid, Spain
Efficient author querying: use a “problem–solution” structure [abstract]
Mary Ellen Kerans, freelance, Barcelona, Spain
Does editorial leadership (seen in the instructions to authors) determine biomedical journal quality? A case-control study between Italy and the UK [abstract]
Valerie Matarese, C. Zulian, UpTo infotechnologies, Vidor (TV), Italy
Academic publishing in a global context: exploring the experiences of multilingual scholars [abstract]
Theresa Lillis, the Open University UK, and Mary Jane Curry, University of Rochester, New York
Two are 'legacy posters' with still-relevant messages:
Discipline- and Genre-Specific Language Corpus Analysis - A Handy Tool for Clarifying Language Usage [abstract]
Mary Ellen Kerans, Ailish Maher, Barcelona and Berga, Spain
Accountability: editor, guest editor, reviewer, scientific association, publisher. The Human Immunology/ Arnaiz-Villena retraction, 2001-2003 [abstract]
Karen Shashok, Granada, Spain and Mary Ellen Kerans, Barcelona, Spain
Coffee break and poster session – Bonsai room
12.30 – 13:10
Panel 2: Microarray of simple Internet and computer tools that work
Few of us can afford to spend time discovering which research tools are too cumbersome, complicated, or irrelevant to our immediate needs to be of real use and which ones are truly helpful. Fortunately others have already spent their valuable time on this discovery process. [abstract].
William Orr, panel coordinator; freelance translator and interpreter, Barcelona, Spain
Alan Lounds, SLT, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Stephen Waller, freelance translator and editor, Barcelona, Spain
13:15 – 14:30+
Cross-cultural differences and similarities: What do we really know about cultural differences in written communication? A realistic review of the contrastive rhetoric literature
Ana Moreno, Centre for Information and Scientific Documentation (CINDOC), Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), Madrid, Spain
Applied linguists have looked at both the details and the larger, overall structures of writing across cultures, including text and paragraph structure, cohesion, and much more. We’ll look at what they’ve found out — to separate rumor and anecdote from the results of systematic observation. The talk will set the stage for a discussion of the implications of these findings for editing and translating texts for an international readership. [abstract]
Ian Williams, University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain, will introduce the speaker.
14: 30 – 15:50
Light lunch – overlooking the gardens, weather permitting, or in the Bonsai room and porch
16:00 – 17:15
Panel 3: Working the market, part 1 – Adding scope, breadth and depth
Editing (for authors, research groups, institutions, or academic societies publishing from a base in a Mediterranean country) and translation are the primary language support categories clients ask about, but additional needs that emerge are instruction in writing and an array of publishing skills, help in switching from one medium to another. [abstract]
Mary Ellen Kerans, translator and editor, Barcelona, Spain
Philip Bazire, translator, editor, surgeon, Segovia, Spain
Denise Arend, translator, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Valerie Matarese, UpTo infotechnologies, Vidor (TV), Italy
Aleksandra Misak, freelance translator and manuscript editor, Zagreb, Croatia
17:15 – 17:30
Brief coffee break
17. 30 – 18.45
Panel 4: Working the market, part 2 – Managing your clients, focus on negotiation
Success through dialogue: The current demand for high-end services allows freelance and in-house language facilitators to improve their conditions of work by negotiating on the basis of quality [abstract]
Alan Lounds, panel coordinator; treasurer, MET; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
John Bates, Servei Lingüístic, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain
Luci Vazquez, SLT, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Mary Ellen Kerans, freelance, Barcelona, Spain
Felicity Neilson, Matrix Consultants, Paris, France
18:45 – 19:00
Closing Remarks
Closing supper – Restaurant Samarkand, Atocha Station