METM15 presentation
Stephen Stalter, Helsinki, Finland
Supporting the development and honing of conference presentation skills is a way language professionals can offer their clients a more complete range of language services.
This presentation describes strategies, principles and techniques that language professionals can adapt to their clients’ needs. These include, among others, tips on reaching the whole audience when levels of expertise vary, advice on using eye contact and body language to connect with the audience, and techniques for answering questions effectively during the question and answer period. I will include ways to give direct help in improving clients’ verbal English skills for use in conference presentation settings. I will also offer advice for how language professionals can help clients develop and improve essential non-verbal communication skills (e.g., cultural awareness, eye contact, hand movement, etc.) and use viewer-friendly visuals and other aids. The techniques are practical and aim to boost clients’ confidence levels and strengthen the overall delivery of their presentation.
Underlying the approach is a constructivist theory of education and the communicative method of language learning.
Stephen Stalter has worked as both an author’s editor and teacher of academic writing and conference presentation for Language Services at the University of Helsinki since 2002. He received his BA from the University of Southern California in 1992 and his MA from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2000.
Supporting conference presenters’ skills in English: additional services language professionals can offer
Stephen Stalter, Helsinki, Finland
Supporting the development and honing of conference presentation skills is a way language professionals can offer their clients a more complete range of language services.
This presentation describes strategies, principles and techniques that language professionals can adapt to their clients’ needs. These include, among others, tips on reaching the whole audience when levels of expertise vary, advice on using eye contact and body language to connect with the audience, and techniques for answering questions effectively during the question and answer period. I will include ways to give direct help in improving clients’ verbal English skills for use in conference presentation settings. I will also offer advice for how language professionals can help clients develop and improve essential non-verbal communication skills (e.g., cultural awareness, eye contact, hand movement, etc.) and use viewer-friendly visuals and other aids. The techniques are practical and aim to boost clients’ confidence levels and strengthen the overall delivery of their presentation.
Underlying the approach is a constructivist theory of education and the communicative method of language learning.
Stephen Stalter has worked as both an author’s editor and teacher of academic writing and conference presentation for Language Services at the University of Helsinki since 2002. He received his BA from the University of Southern California in 1992 and his MA from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2000.