METM16 credits

A big thank you to everyone who pitched in to make METM16 happen! 

1st row: 
Aisha Prigann, translation slam organizer and desk helper; Sabrina Voss, program layout and monitor/chair coordinator; Emma Goldsmith, sponsorship coordinator and incoming webmaster; Joy Burrough Boenisch, content team member; Francesca Matteoda, desk helper.
2nd row:
Ailish Maher, choir organizer; Stephen Waller, content team member and outgoing chair; Kim Eddy, content team member and membership chair; Mary Savage, content team member and incoming treasurer; Kymm Coveney, translation slam moderator. 
3rd row: 
Mary Fons i Fleming, content team member; Kelly Dickeson, conference coordinator and incoming secretary; Anne Murray, interactive session coordinator and incoming chair; Mhairi Bain, outgoing secretary. 
4th row: 
Phillippa May Bennett, METM16 Facebook page; Heather Hamilton, name card coordinator; Alan Lounds, CPD chair; Helen Oclee-Brown, Off-METM coordinator and incoming promotion chair. 
5th row: 
Susannah Goss, certificates; Justine Sherwood, travel info; Oliver Shaw, outgoing promotion chair; Cristina Koch, choir leader; Tim Barton, outgoing webmaster. 

And also... 

Simon Berrill 
Mary Fons i Fleming 
Maighread Gallagher Gambarelli 
Jackie Senior 
Jacqueline Lamb 
Tim Barton 
Oliver Shaw 
Sabrina Voss
Marije de Jager
Sarah Griffin-Mason

Sabrina Voss
Sarah Griffin-Mason
Timothy Hodge 
Valerie Matarese 
Susan Frekko 
Marije de Jager
Oliver Shaw 
Jackie Senior 
Mary Fons i Fleming 
Francesca Matteoda 
Phillippa May Bennett 
Kim Eddy 
Mary Savage 
Tim Barton
Simon Berrill 
Karen Shashok 
Michael Farrell 
Anne Murray 
Mary Ellen Kerans 
Kelly Dickeson
Jeanette Hodgman 
Allison Wright 
Aisha Prigann 
Tim Barton 
Birgit Bonde Jensen 
Michael Farrell 
Alan Lounds 
Kate Major
Jason Willis-Lee 
Mary Fons i Fleming 
Oliver Lawrence 
Susannah Goss
Phillippa May Bennett 
Felicity Neilson
Paula James 
Sabrina Voss
Valerie Matarese 
Thomas O'Boyle 

Tim Morris
Sarah Griffin-Mason