METM23: Attendees' feedback

Comments from the post-METM survey
"Just great, as usual: returned in the familiar post-METM daze of exhaustion, exaltation, and inspiration."
"Everybody was so welcoming and kind. And genuinely so! I really enjoyed my first METM."
"A really enjoyable and useful experience – practical, social, and intense."
"I was told that MET puts on a good show, and I was not disappointed. The content was perfect and I am very, very satisfied with having participated."
"MET is an amazingly well-oiled machine with many little cogs all doing their thing and intersecting slickly – it’s most impressive."
"MET makes me feel like I belong, it feels like coming home."
Comments on social media
"The best part of METM23 is simply the intellectual and human quality of the people attending. It wins you over and paves the way for professional renaissance."♦
"And what a fabulous experience it was. I came home stimulated, reassured and looking forward to METM24 in Carcassonne."
"Many thanks for the amazing programme, and particularly for helping us first-timers feel welcome and at ease."
"METM23 in Mantova was excellent as ever. Lots learned, fantastic conversations, in a splendid setting."
"METM means... priceless food for thought and hands-on skill honing."
Blog posts about METM23
METM23: snippet slams, singing and sbrisolona, Ruth Simpson
Close encounters with the bogeyman, Ana Carolina Ribeiro
Changing for the better, Simon Berrill
METM23: post-conference reflections, Alicja Tokarska
LinkedIn reviews of METM23
METM23 Chronicles
Read attendees' reviews of conference sessions on the Hive.