Mediterranean Editors and Translators Meeting 2018

Giving credit where credit's due: recognition
for authors, translators and editors

Centre Cultural La Mercè · Girona, Spain

4-6 October 2018

METM18 programme 

Wednesday evening, 3 October 2018
Off-METM: After-dinner drinks for early arrivals
Thursday morning, 4 October 2018
Off-METM: Burricleta
Off-METM: Nordic walking
Thursday afternoon, 4 October 2018
13:00-20:30 Desk open
Arrive early to beat the check-in rush and network informally with colleagues!

(Coffee break
  Off-METM activities
16:30-18:00 Guided tour of Girona
19:15-various times
Yoga session
Francesca Matteoda

19:15-20:15 (on-site)
Managing the mingling
John Di Rico
19:15-20:15 (on-site)
Translation slam
Coordinator: Kymm Coveney
Moderator: Aisha Prigann
Slammers: Maeva Cifuentes &
Tim Gutteridge
19:30-20:45 (off-site)
21:00-? Off-METM dinner groups
(various off-site locations)
Friday morning, 5 October 2018
8:00-12:00 Desk open
Arrive early to beat the check-in rush and network informally with colleagues!

(Coffee break 10:30-
  Off-METM activities 
10:00-11:30 Guided tour of Girona
MET choir rehearsal (on-site)
13:00-14:45 Off-METM lunch groups
(various off-site locations)

Friday afternoon, 5 October 2018
14:00-20:00 Desk open

Conference sessions

15:00-15:20 Welcome and housekeeping 
15:20-15:30 Room transfer time
Acknowledgments in the eyes of scholars using language services: perceptions of language professionals 
Wendy Baldwin, Mar Fernández Núñez, Jackie Senior, Kate Sotejeff-Wilson. Moderator: Valerie Matarese
The stink of machine translation
Michael Farrell 
How to train your MT
John Di Rico
16:30-16:40 Room transfer time
16:40-17:25 PRESENTATION
'In the mood?’ The modal verbs ‘shall’, ‘will’, ‘must’, ‘can’, ‘may’ and ‘might’: their usage and abusage in the indicative and subjunctive moods
John Linnegar
Increasing the impact of writing support in the scientific research process
Iain Patten
17:25-17:55 Coffee break
17:55-18:40 PRESENTATION
Say it differently: editing, writing and content design between cultures
Rose Newell
Why is citing a complex issue and how can editors help?
Nigel Harwood
18:40-18:50 Room transfer time
18:50-20:00 KEYNOTE

In praise of editors (the translator's view) 
Daniel Hahn 
20:00-21:00 Welcome reception 
Location: Saló de Descans at the Teatro Municipal
Saturday morning, 6 October 2018
8:30-13:30 Desk open

Conference sessions 

Understanding the civil law notary system and how to translate key notary terms into English
Rob Lunn
What is the legal translator's role in mediating style?
Maeva Cifuentes & Richard Lackey
Corpus building and mining in the real world: an introduction for the uninitiated
Anne Murray
CRediT and me: academia’s imperfect project to standardize contributions to research articles, and one language professional’s attempts to set it straight
Valerie Matarese
Do freelance editors for non-native-English academic and scientific researchers seek acknowledgement? Results of an online survey
Joy Burrough-Boenisch
10:00-10:10 Room transfer time
10:10-10:40 PRESENTATION
A translator's decalogue
David Cullen
Text workers of the world unite: why translators and editors should unionise
Kate Sotejeff-Wilson & Ian Mac Eochagáin
On being edited: how authors respond
Sally Burgess & Clara Curell
10:40-11:10 Coffee break
11:10-12:20 KEYNOTE
Credit and merit: toward a transparent, ethical publishing culture
Iria del Río
12:20-12:30 Room transfer time
12:30-13:30 2018 MET General Assembly
13:30-15:15 Lunch (included in the conference fee) 
Facultat de Lletres cloister, University of Girona (Plaça Josep Ferrater i Móra, 1
Saturday afternoon, 6 October 2018
15:30-19:30 Desk open

Conference sessions

15:30-16:00 PRESENTATION
To oak or not to oak… profiling the wine translator
Karen Neilson
Association management, an unexpected career
Jane Lewis
Language, translation and tourism websites: a corpus-based study
Giacomo Klein & Kyriaki Kourouni
16:00-16:10 Room transfer time
16:10-16:55 PRESENTATION
Macroeconomics and development: translating for international institutions
Timothy Barton
When your name’s on it: marking your digital territory
Allison Wright
Tuning the text: common elements in poetry, text editing and translation
Dick Edelstein & Kymm Coveney
16:55-17:25 Coffee break
17:25-18:10 PRESENTATION
Human vs machine: assimilation or duel to the death?
Sarah Bawa Mason
Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) – to sign or not to sign? That is the question
Sue Leschen
Using metaphors to explore the role of the proofreader of L2 student writing in the UK context
Nigel Harwood
18:10-18:20 Room transfer time
From Lada to Lamborghini – tips for becoming a premium freelancer
Jenny Zonneveld 
Knowing your worth, showing your worth: creating value for your client, creating value for yourself
Thomas O’Boyle
The Hive – one year on
The Hive Team
Editor-translator collaboration: translation in practice from draft to publication
Mary Ellen Kerans & Clare Vassallo
20:00-21:00 MET choir rehearsal (Hotel Ultonia)
21:00-late Closing dinner & afterparty (Hotel Ultonia)
Sunday morning, 7 October 2018
Off-METM: Burricleta
Off-METM: Nordic walking
Off-METM: Wall walk